Travolta/Cage Ep. 46: The Wicker Man (with Bill Corbett)

This week, we're taking a break from the double-feature format for a special, singular look at one of the most important films in Nic Cage's filmography: Neil LaBute's baffling remake of The Wicker Man. And we're pleased to be joined by special guest Bill Corbett, of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and RiffTrax fame!

Together, we break down the ways this one strays from the eerie folk horror origins of the Robin Hardy original, Nic Cage's turning, whirling-dervish performance, and the innate absurdity of punching an innocent woman in the face while wearing a bear suit. Not only that, we get to touch on why exactly this film came along at the perfect time to haunt Cage's career for decades hence, sending him into an Internet meme-hole he's only recently been able to begin to claw his way out of.

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