Why Aren't the Lunatics Who Run the Twin Flames Universe Cult in Jail?

My wife and myself are indiscriminate consumers of true crime podcasts and mini-series. We are particularly fascinated by podcasts and mini-series about cults. 

These juicy exposes tend to have deeply satisfying, crowd-pleasing endings: the leaders of the cult are exposed. They go to jail and/or lose everything, particularly their reputations. 

That is what I hoped would happen at the conclusion of Escaping Twin Flames, a three-part mini-series about Twin Flames Universe, a cult that promises to reveal to lost spiritual seekers their “Twin Flame”, that is the one person in a world of eight billion people that they are supposed to be with and who will complete them. 

The fact that the Twin Flames Universe managed to sucker anybody into its rigged game speaks to how desperately people long for a deep spiritual connection in a world that can feel lonely and terrifying. 

The world can feel terrifying and confusing, meaningless and unmanageable. The appeal of cults in general is that they offer a false sense of certainty. They tell people desperately to be led that not only does a definite answer to all of life’s infinite mysteries but that the cult leaders possess these answers and are willing to share them in exchange for cash, support and mindless devotion. 

In the case of the Twin Flames Universe the all-important question that the cult is supposed to answer is the identity of your Twin Flame, a sort of soulmate on steroids. The fun part is that cult leaders calling themselves Jeff and Shaleia Divine. They have other names for themselves, such as Father Christ and Mother Christ. 

Jeff and Shaleia, and only Jeff and Shaleia can give you the name and identity of your Twin Flame. Once a cultist has been given the name of their Twin Flame, it is then their sacred mission to make that sacred union happen by any means. 

Cultists are not supposed to be discouraged if their Twin Flame does not seem to be sexually or romantically attracted to them. They aren’t even supposed to stop aggressively pursuing their Twin Flame even if their ostensible soulmate has a restraining order against them for stalking. They similarly aren’t supposed to be discouraged if they themselves strongly dislike the person Jeff and Shaleia have chosen for them. After all, Jeff and Shaleia understand the fundamental nature of romantic relationships better than anyone else in the world. That’s why they, and they alone, can determine who your Twin Flame is. 

Even more jarringly, Twin Flames Universe cultists aren’t supposed to be discouraged if the person that Jeff and Shaleia have personally chosen from them is a member of the same sex and they’ve always thought of themselves as a cisgender heterosexual. 

Though it pretends to be LGTBQ friendly, and also not a cult, the Twin Flames Universe teaches that in order for a harmonious union to occur there must be a “Divine Masculine” and a “Divine Feminine.”

A union with two Divine Masculines or two Divine Feminines will never do in Jeff and Shaleia’s warped worldview. 

So cultists have undergone gender reassignment surgery and changed their names, pronouns and appearances so that they can become who the cult’s leaders feel they should be, whether or not that’s how they see themselves at all. 

The Twin Flames Universe would rather force adherents to become another gender, or, in the minds of Jeff and Shaleia at least, realize the gender they’ve always been without knowing, than sanction same-sex couples or let cultists have a say in who they end up with. In the process they’ve managed to find a way to piss of the Left and the Right, the LGTBQ community and Conservative Christians. 

The Twin Flames Universe has been exposed in explosive print exposes and a pair of popular true crime mini-series, only one of which I’ve seen. 

So why aren’t its leaders in jail? Why does the Twin Flames Universe continue to have thousands of followers who flock to the cult’s Facebook group and Youtube channel to gush about Jeff and Shaleia and their ideas? 

How can anyone fall for this nonsense even after it’s been revealed to be a psychotic money-making grift by a pair of sociopathic narcissists? 

The answer, I suppose, is that the members of The Twin Flames Universe choose to give Jeff and Shaleia control over their personal lives . They choose to give them great gobs of money and follow their bizarre and inhumane rules. They are adults acting out of their own free will. But they’ve clearly been brainwashed so extensively that they seem to have given up all agency to the group and its leaders. 

A lot of cults get busted for sex trafficking as well and that does not seem to be one of the many crimes the group’s leaders are guilty of. 

I hope this changes and that and Jeff and Shaleia go to jail for a long time and their oily online empire crumbles but considering Love Has Won, the cult I most recently wrote about in this blog, still has passionate true believers even after the death of its leader/God suggests that people will find a way to believe in the unbelievable no matter how thoroughly it has been debunked. 

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The Big WhoopNathan Rabin