My Exhaustive Every Episode Ever Saturday Night Live Newsletter Is Officially Live and Kicking Ass on Buttondown

As some of y'all are probably aware I have vowed to spend the next twenty months feverishly watching every episode of Saturday Night Live in anticipation of writing anywhere from two to seven books about it in connection with its 50th anniversary on October 11th, 2025.

There are two parts to this project. There's the books that I will be writing about Saturday Night Live at its worst and at its best. At the moment that's We've Got a TERRIBLE Show For You Tonight: The 50 Worst and Weirdest Episodes from 50 Years of Saturday Night Live and We've Got a Great Show For You Tonight: The 50 Best Episodes From 50 Years of Saturday Night Live.

In order to research these books I am going to watch every Saturday Night Live episode. That's something like 1000 episodes by the time I'm done.

In order to make the most of the insane amount of work and research and preparation I will be doing I have launched a Buttondown account called EVERY EPISODE EVER where I write 400 to 900 word blurbs on EVERY EPISODE of Saturday Night Live EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Here it is: gaze in wonder

Even weekends! I will publish a new Saturday Night Live review EVERY DAMN DAY FOR THREE NEARLY THREE WHOLE YEARS.

This will be an epic journey that I very much do not want to make alone. I want y'all at the start and I want y'all at the end. In between you can do what you like.

I'm going with Buttondown due to their non-coziness with Nazis. I encourage you to subscribe so that you get a new email every day and I sure would love it if you would get a paid subscription. It’s only five dollars, which I think is a fair price for between twenty-nine to thirty-one original pieces of content every month.

I'm very concerned that this might prove to a work-intensive, money-losing endeavor so I would love to be able to make even a little bit of money off this. It's a labor of love but this laborer desperately needs some cold hard cash.

To make things more appealing in season 2 I will start giving episodes letter grades and singling out my choices for the best and worst sketches. It's my way of saying, "C'mon, PLEASE get a paid subscription! I work very hard and don't seem to have much luck these days I’m so willing to play ball and compromise if it will make things a little less agonizingly difficult."

This is going to be fun! And crazy. I don't like to brag but since I've already written up the first season I'm already 2.4 percent done! How hard could the remaining 97.6 percent possibly be? That's only 930 episodes and 49 years. Should be a breeze.